681. BEST
Bayesian Estimation of Species Trees works with Mr Bayes (see below).
682. Bioconductor
A large collection of packages used within R for carring out very many functions in the analysis and comprehension of high-throughput genomic data.
683. biogrep
Optimised version of grep for matching patterns against sequences.
684. boxshade
Makes shaded multiple alignment files
685. CAF tools
Suite of programs for manipulating CAF (Common Assembly Format) sequence assemblies
686. cap3
Sequence assembly program DNA Sequence Assembly Program DNA Sequence Assembly Program
标签:de-novo assembly
687. CEGMA
Pipeline that identifies a core set of eukaryotic genes. It uses WU-BLAST, HMMER 2, geneid and Wise2. This may help check the completeness of a genome assembly. It could be used to train eg snap. May be used in conjunction with Maker. Local wrapper command run_cegma takes same arguments...
688. clump
Program using Monte Carlo method for assessing significance of case-control association studies with multi-allelic markers. Installed for use on CamGrid
689. clumpp
A program that deals with label switching and multimodality problems in population-genetic cluster analyses. Command clumpp
690. clustal
Multiple sequence alignment; clustalw2 is the current version. clustalx2 is an X-Windows version. clustalo is special new fast version for proteins only.
691. CNS
CNS (Crystallography and NMR System) is a program for macromolecular structure determination
692. consed
A viewer for files made by phrap and an editor for these assemblies. Requires X-windows.
693. Consensus
Program to find the consensus in unaligned sequences This program determines consensus patterns in unaligned sequences. The algorithm is based on a matrix representation of a consensus pattern. This program determines consensus patterns in unaligned sequences. The algorithm is based o...
标签:Sequence motif discovery
694. densitree
Program for qualitative analysis of sets of trees.
695. DL_POLY
A package for molecular dynamics simulations
696. dotter
A graphical dotplot program for detailed comparison of two sequences; Requires X-Windows
697. eigensoft
Programs related to ancestrymap (see above) from the Reich Lab for studying human history, evolution and disease gene mapping
The European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite version 6.3.1 is available. Type emboss6 to over-ride use of version 5 installed with the operating system. EMBOSS (European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite) is a new suite of freely available programs and libraries for sequence ...
699. FAR
Flexible adapter remover software using Needleman Wunsch alignment. Works on many formats of sequencing reads. Command far
700. FASTA (including SSEARCH etc)
Sequence database searching package. Slower than blast. May be most useful for some protein searches.