The program 'sff2fastq' extracts read information from a SFF file, produced by the 454 genome sequencer, and outputs the sequences and quality scores in a FASTQ format.
Converts bewteen Roche 454 and fastq formats
Sibelia: A comparative genomic tool: It assists biologists in analysing the genomic variations that correlate with pathogens, or the genomic changes that help microorganisms adapt in different environments. Sibelia will also be helpful for the evolutionary and genome rearrangement studi...
SOAPfusion is a novel tool for fusion discovery with paired-end RNA-Seq reads. The tool follows a different strategy by “finding fusions directly and verifying them”, differentiating it from all other existing tools by “finding the candidate regions and searching for the fusions afterwa...
Spiral Genetics provides a novel aligner/variant caller, Anchored Assembly, which can detect large structural variations using short read NGS data with unmatched precision.
标签:Alignment, DNA-Seq, Exome and Whole genome variant detection, De novo Assembly,Genomic Assembly, Mapping,Quality Control, Read alignment, Reference assembly,Resequencing, SNP discovery,Sequence analysis, Whole Genome Resequencing
RNA sequencing has provided unprecedented resolution of alternative splicing and splicing quantitative trait loci (sQTL). However, there are few tools available for visualizing the genotype-dependent effects of splicing at a population level. SplicePlot is a simple command line utility ...
SplicingViewer is an integrated tool developed to enable users to detect the splice junctions, annotate alternative splicing events, and visualization of the patterns of alternative splicing events.
Subread is a general-purpose read aligner which can be used to map both genomic DNA-seq reads and RNA-seq reads. It uses a new mapping paradigm called "seed-and-vote" to achieve fast, accurate and scalable read mapping. It automatically determines if a read should be globally or locally...
SXOligoSearch is a commercial platform offered by the Malaysian based Synamatix. Will align Illumina reads against a range of Refseq RNA or NCBI genome builds for a number of organisms. Web Portal. OS independent.
Syapse is a platform and application suite for bringing together omics and clinical data.
标签:Allele-specific transcription,DNA methylation, DNA-Seq,InDel discovery, SNP discovery, Structural variation, RNA-Seq, Small RNA transcriptome, ChIP-Seq,Comparative genomics,Comparative transcriptomics,Epigenomics, Genomics,Personal genomics, Population ge
Taipan uses greedy extensions for contig construction but at each step realizes enough of the corresponding read graph to make better decisions as to how assembly should continue. We show that this approach can achieve an assembly quality at least as good as the graph-based approaches u...