Pratt is a tool for discovering patterns that match some minimum number of a set of sequences. The sequences are input all in one file in either FastA or Swiss-Prot format.
Pratt is a tool for discovering patterns that match some minimum number of a set of sequences. The sequences are ...
Ptolemy II is a set of Java packages supporting heterogeneous, concurrent modeling and design. Its kernel package supports clustered hierarchical graphs, which are collections of entities and relations between those entities
Ptolemy II is a set of Java packages supporting heterogeneous...
Python is a programming language that lets you work more quickly and integrate your systems more effectively. You can learn to use Python and see almost immediate gains in productivity and lower maintenance costs.
Python is a programming language that lets you work more quickly and int...
re2c is a tool for writing very fast and very flexible scanners. re2c focuses on generating high efficient code for regular expression matching.
re2c is a tool for writing very fast and very flexible scanners. re2c focuses on generating high efficient code for regular expression matching.
SMILE est un outil d'inférence de motifs dans des jeux de séquences. À l'origine, il a été concu pour détecter des sites exceptionnels (sites de fixation ou de régulation de facteurs de transcription) dans des séquences d'ADN. L'intérêt de SMILE est de permettre l'inférence de motifs st...
The tools in this project provide the ability to create de novo assemblies from SOLiD colorspace reads, thus facilitating the characterization of genomic sequences for which no closely related reference genome exists. The short-read assembler at the core of this pipeline is Velvet, deve...
Squizz is a sequence/alignment format checker, but it has some conversion capabilities too. Most common sequence and alignment formats are supported : - EMBL, FASTA, GCG, GDE, GENBANK, IG, NBRF, PIR (codata), RAW, and SWISSPROT. - CLUSTAL, FASTA, MEGA, MSF, NEXUS, PHYLIP (interleaved an...
TRANSCompel is the only database presenting information on combinatorial gene transcriptional regulation and protein-protein interactions between different transcription factors bound to their cognate promoter elements.
TRANSCompel is the only database presenting information on combina...
Tuiuiu removes from a sequence or from a set of sequences areas as large as possible that do not contain researched repeats.Tuiuiu is used as a preliminary step before applying a multiple local aligner tool.
Tuiuiu removes from a sequence or from a set of sequences areas as large as po...
Valkyrie is an open-source graphical user interface for the Valgrind 3.3.X line.
Valkyrie is an open-source graphical user interface for the Valgrind 3.3.X line.
Peppy performs all necessary tasks of six-frame proteogenomic searches of LC-MS/MS data on a genome. This includes genome segmentation, translation and FDR analysis -- all done automatically with no need for intervention. Six-frame searches allow the discovery of novel proteins or prote...
DAF or Data Analysis Framework is a software package developed in the NBIC BioAssist Proteomics task force to enable transparent distributed computations on the grid or a cluster. This Analysis Framework was developed to fulfill the computational and data analysis requirements of life s...
MS-compare is a framework that can run multiple tools from different sources in a multiplicative comparison so that you can find the combination that gives the best results for your data. The framework contains a system of file conversion programs.