921. NovoHMM
标签:Peptide identification (De novo)
922. Audens
标签:Peptide identification (De novo)
923. RAId
标签:Peptide identification (De novo)
924. SpectraST (part of TPP)
SpectraST (short for "Spectra Search Tool" and rhymes with "contrast") is a spectral library building and searching tool designed primarily for shotgun proteomics applications.
标签:Peptide identification (lib match)
925. BiblioSpec
BiblioSpec is a suite of software tools for creating and searching MS/MS peptide spectrum libraries. BiblioSpec is available free of charge for noncommercial use through an interactive web-site
标签:Peptide identification (lib match)
926. Xcalibur
Thermo. Windows application to control the instrument and basic data processing. Plays well with Sequest and TPP
标签:Raw Data
927. Bioworks
Thermo. Based on Xcalibur. More advanced data processing. New version is called ProteomeDiscoverer.
标签:Raw Data
928. Analyst.
标签:Raw Data
929. MassLynx.
标签:Raw Data
930. MassHunter.
标签:Raw Data
931. DataAnalysis.
标签:Raw Data
932. ProteomeDiscoverer
Thermo. New version of Bioworks
标签:Raw Data
933. X2XML
converts different RAW files to mzXML
标签:Raw Data / Conversion
934. Pride Converter
Converts different peak list files and results different search engine results files to PRIDE XML.
标签:Results processing
935. Mascot parser
From matrix science
标签:Results processing
936. OMSSA parser
MSSA Parser is a Java based parser for OMSSA (Open Mass Spectrometry Search Algorithm) omx files. Initially created by Steffen Huber for Prof. Dr. Albert Sickmann under the guidance of Dr. Lennart Martens, and further developed by Harald Barsnes, including the addition of a simple, ligh...
标签:Results processing
937. Mascot datfile
Parses Mascot output
标签:Results processing
938. MassSieve
MassSieve is a free tool for parsing MS/MS search engine results. It allows you to combine the results of several searches into a single experiment and parsimoniously separate the results. Many different experiments can be loaded and the results can be compared and contrasted.
标签:Results processing
939. MsQuant
MSQuant is a tool for quantitative proteomics/mass spectrometry and processes spectra and LC runs to find quantitative information about proteins and peptides. Though automated it also allows manual inspection and change. MSQuant’s main purpose is to make quantitation of proteins and pe...
940. Census
A quantitative analysis software tool for mass spectrometry-based proteomics. Sung Kyu Park, John D Venable, Tao Xu, John R Yates III, Nature Methods, 2008, 5, 319-322.