501. AB Small Indel Tool
The SOLiD™ Small Indel Tool processes the indel evidences found in the pairing step of the SOLiD™ System Analysis Pipeline Tool (Corona Lite).
标签:InDel discovery, Sequencing
502. Adapter Removal (software)
Removes adaptor fragments from raw short read sequence data and outputs data to FASTA format.
标签:General bioinformatics (pipeline)
503. Agp2amos
504. Alcovna
ALgorithms for COmparing and Visualizing Non Assembled data
标签:SNP discovery
Post-processing tools for de novo assemblies
506. Array Suite (Array Studio/Server)
Array Studio is a complete analysis and visualization package for NextGen sequencing data, as well as other -OMIC data types. Array Server is a backend enterprise server for storage and analysis of -OMIC and NextGen sequencing data.
标签:Genomics, SNP discovery, InDel discovery
507. Baa.pl
use transcripts to assess a de novo assembly
标签:Genomic Assembly Evaluation,Genomic Assembly Validation
508. BAMseek
BAMseek is a large file viewer for BAM and SAM alignment files.
标签:Genomics, Transcriptomics
509. BamView
Interactive Java application for visualising the large amounts of data stored for sequence reads which are aligned against a reference genome sequence
510. Barcode generator
Generator of sequence barcodes suitable for Illumina sequencing.
511. Barcrawl Bartab
Barcrawl facilitates the design of barcoded primers, for multiplexed high-throughput sequencing.
512. Bcbio-nextgen
Python scripts and modules for automated next gen sequencing analysis. These provide a fully automated pipeline for taking sequencing results from an Illumina sequencer, converting them to standard Fastq format, aligning to a reference genome, doing SNP calling, and producing a summary ...
标签:General bioinformatics (pipeline)
513. BEAP
The Blast Extension and Assembly Program (BEAP) uses a short starting DNA fragment to recursively blast nucleotide databases to obtain all sequences that overlaps to construct the a "full length" sequence.
514. Bedutils
NGSUtils is a suite of software tools for working with next-generation sequencing datasets. Staring in 2009, we (Liu Lab @ Indiana University School of Medicine) starting working with next-generation sequencing data. We initially started doing custom coding for each project in a one-off...
515. Belvu
An X-windows viewer for multiple sequence alignments
516. BioPHP
biology tools for php.
517. Biopieces
The Biopieces are a collection of bioinformatics tools that can be pieced together in a very easy and flexible manner to perform both simple and complex tasks. The Biopieces work on a data stream in such a way that the data stream can be passed through several different Biopieces, each ...
518. BioRuby
"BioRuby comes with a comprehensive set of free development tools and libraries for bioinformatics and molecular biology, for the Ruby programming language. BioRuby has components for sequence analysis, pathway analysis, protein modelling and phylogenetic analysis; it supports many wide...
519. BOAT
Can accurately and efficiently map sequencing reads back to the reference genome.
520. Breakway
Breakway is a suite of programs that take aligned genomic data and report structural variation breakpoints.
标签:Whole Genome Resequencing,Genomics, Structural variation, InDel discovery