481. Nesoni
Nesoni is a high-throughput sequencing data analysis toolset.
标签:RNA-Seq Alignment, SNP discovery, Phylogenetics
482. BioPerl
"BioPerl, a community effort to produce Perl code which is useful in biology. " Set of modules to help write bioinformatics Perl scripts, with some functional scripts as well
483. Genometa
Genometa is a Java based local bioinformatics program which allows rapid analysis of metagenomic short read datasets. Millions of short reads can be accurately analysed within minutes and visualised in the browser component. A large database of diverse bacteria and archaea has been cons...
标签:Metagenomics, Genomics
484. MicroRazerS
MicroRazerS is a tool optimized for mapping short RNAs onto a reference genome.
485. BreakTrans
BreakTrans is a computer program that maps predicted gene fusions to genomic structural rearrangements so as to validate both types of events.
486. SimSeq
Illumina paired-end and mate-pair short read simulator. Used to sample reads from the simulated genome for the first Assemblathon.
487. Reaper
Reaper is a program for demultiplexing, trimming and filtering short read sequencing data.
标签:Next Generation Sequencing
488. CnvHMM
WashU copy number variant (CNV) detection algorithm for Illumina/Solexa data.
标签:Structural variation
489. BioSmalltalk
BioSmalltalk provides an environment to build bioinformatics scripts and applications using the most powerful object technology as of today, the Smalltalk programming environment
标签:Sequence analysis,Phylogenetics, Population genetics, Protein structures
490. Anno-J
Annotation Browsing 2.0
491. SolexaTools
SolexaTools is a project to create a tool set to work with a Solexa genome sequencer. It includes multiple components including a LIMS system, pipeline and other tools to support end-users and researchers setting up a Solexa environment.
492. ESTcalc
Estimation of project costs for RNA-Seq study.
493. MPscan
MPscan (multi-pattern scan) is a program for mapping short reads (<30bp) exactly on a set of reference sequences (eg, a genome) without indexing the reference. MPscan performs only exact mapping (no substitution, nor indels), is fast (optimal complexity), and easy to use.
标签:Genomics, Transcriptomics
494. CNB MetaGenomics tools
A number of tools and meta-tools developed at CNB/CSIC for the analysis of metagenomics data (some rely on QIIME).
标签:Metagenomics, Biodiversity,Community analysis, High-throughput sequencing
495. SsahaSNP
Sequence Search and Alignment by Hashing Algorithm
标签:SNP discovery
496. Suffixerator
Compute enhanced suffix array
497. Contrail
A Hadoop based genome assembler for assembling large genomes in the clouds
标签:De-novo assembly
498. Samscope
Samscope is a lightweight SAM/BAM file viewer that makes visually exploring next generation sequencing data as intuitive as Google Maps. Samscope uses multiple layers to simultaneously (or sequentially) view SAM/BAM related features like coverage or allele frequency, or ChIP-SEQ feature...
标签:ChIP-Seq, RNA-Seq, Genomics
499. A5
A5 is an integrative pipeline for genome assembly that automates sequence data cleaning, error correction, assembly, and quality control by chaining a number of programs together with additional custom algorithms.
标签:De-novo assembly
500. AB Large Indel Tool
Identifies deviations in clone insert size that indicate intra-chromosomal structural variations compared to a reference genome.
标签:InDel discovery, Sequencing