461. Freebayes
Bayesian genetic variant detector (SNPs, indels, MNPs)
462. QualiMap
Qualimap is a platform-independent application written in Java and R that provides both a Graphical User Inteface (GUI) and a command-line interface to facilitate the quality control of alignment sequencing data.
标签:Sequence Quality Control,Quality Control
463. Ingenuity Variant Analysis
Ingenuity Variant Analysis is a web application that helps researchers studying human disease to identify causal variants from human resequencing data in just minutes. Ingenuity Variant Analysis combines analytical tools and integrated content to help you rapidly identify and prioritize...
标签:Genomics, Exome, Whole Genome Resequencing, SNPs
464. RobiNA
RobiNA is a Java GUI that enables the user to graphically call differentially expressed genes. For read mapping it relies on bowtie and for the differntial expression analysis it builds on an R backbone running DESeq and edgeR.
465. Variation toolkit
A set of C++ tools for the interpretation of VCF data.
标签:Genomics, Exome and whole genome variant detection, SNP Annotation
466. SiLoCo
Compares sRNA expression levels in multiple samples by grouping sRNAs into loci based on genomic location
标签:General bioinformatics (pipeline)
467. DeepTools
User-friendly tools for the normalization and visualization of deep-sequencing data.
标签:Genomics, ChIP-Seq
468. BLAST
...it's BLAST. Sequence database searching package available in several versions. The new BLAST+ package uses separate names blastp, blastn etc. The previous NBCI names blastall, blastpgp, bl2seq etc are still available alongside. Wu-BLAST is also available. The data are in /data4/bl...
469. Reptile
A new algorithm for short read error correction that harvests information from k-spectrum and read decomposition
470. Bison
Bison allows users with access to a computer cluster to rapidly align whole-genome bisulfite sequencing or RRBS reads. It can align both directional and non-directional libraries and uses bowtie2.
标签:Epigenomics, Bisulfite Sequencing, DNA methylation
471. BOW
BOW - Bioinformatics On Windows is essentially a windows port of BWA and SAMTOOLS
472. Hicup
A mapping pipeline for HiC interaction data. Performs independent mapping on each end of the interaction pair and removes commonly found artefacts.
473. Standardized Velvet Assembly Report
A set of scripts and a Sweave report used to iterate through parameters and generate a report on Velvet-generated sequence assemblies
标签:Quality Control
474. BSSim
BSSim: Bisulfite sequencing simulator for next-generation sequencing.
标签:DNA methylation, Bisulfite Sequencing
"FHiTINGS is designed for use in rapidly identifying, classifying, and parsing internal transcribed spacer (ITS) DNA sequences after a BLASTn search. This software is useful for fungal ecology studies using next generation sequencing (NGS)."
标签:Metagenomics, Comparative genomics
476. HiPipe
HiPipe is to make NGS data analysis quick and easy with high performance pipelines and intuitive web GUI.
477. Myrialign
Software to align short reads produced by a short read genome sequencer to a reference genome. Alignments can contain any number of SNPs, insertions and deletions, up to a user specified cutoff. Myrialign can use a Cell Broadband Engine processor to accelerate alignments if available, f...
478. Post Assembly Genome Improvement Toolkit
" Tools to generate automatically high quality sequence by ordering contigs, closing gaps, correcting sequence errors and transferring annotation. With the advent of next generation sequencing a lot of effort was put into developing software for mapping or aligning short reads and perfo...
标签:De novo assembly
479. Gowinda
Gowinda: unbiased analysis of gene set enrichment for Genome Wide Association Studies
标签:Genomics, Genome Wide Association Studies,Population genetics,Population Genomics, High-throughput sequencing
480. Ea-utils
FASTQ processing utilities