221. DIAL
A computational pipeline for identifying single-base substitutions between two closely related genomes without the help of a reference genome.
标签:SNP discovery, Comparative genomics
222. ArrayExpressHTS
R-based pipeline for RNA-Seq data analysis.
标签:RNA-Seq, RNA-Seq Quantitation
223. RSEQtools
RSEQtools includes a format specification for RNA-Seq data that provides confidentially-aware; data summaries as well as several tools for performing common analyses: expression measurements (e.g. RPKMs), creation of signal tracks, segmentation, annotation manipulations, etc.
标签:RNA-Seq Quantitation
224. HMMSplicer
Splice junction discovery in RNA-Seq data
标签:RNA-Seq Alignment
225. SOPRA
Tool designed to exploit the mate pair/paired-end information for assembly of short reads
226. ProbHD
We present a new strategy for identifying heterozygous sites in a single individual by using a machine learning approach that generates a heterozygosity score for each chromosomal position. Our approach also facilitates the identification of regions with unequal representation of two al...
标签:Population genetics, SNP discovery
227. Repitools
Toolbox of procedures to interrogate and visualize epigenomic data. Part of BioConductor
标签:ChIP-Seq, ChIP-on-chip
228. Lasergene
Lasergene is a comprehensive DNA and protein sequence analysis software suite comprised of seven applications which include functions ranging from sequence assembly and SNP detection, to automated virtual cloning and primer design.
标签:Alignment, De novo sequencing,De-novo assembly, Genomics,InDel discovery, Integrated solution, Mapping,Phylogenetics, Protein structure analysis, Read alignment, SNP discovery,Sequence analysis,Transcription Factor Binding Site identification
229. AGE
AGE is a tool that implements an algorithm for optimal alignment of sequences with SVs.
标签:Structural variation
230. gassst
Fast and accurate aligner for short an long reads Global Alignment Short Sequence Search Tool Global Alignment Short Sequence Search Tool
231. HiTEC
An algorithm which provides a highly accurate, robust, and fully automated method to correct reads produced by high-throughput sequencing methods.
232. SNVer
Variant calling in pooled or individual sequence data.
标签:SNP discovery
233. TagCleaner
TagCleaner can be used to automatically detect and efficiently remove tag sequences (e.g. WTA or MID tags) from metagenomic datasets. TagCleaner is available as both standalone and web-based versions.
标签:Metatranscriptomics,Metagenomics, Viral metagenomics
234. SNP-o-matic
SNP-o-matic is a fast, memory-efficient and stringent read mapping tool offering a variety of analytical output functions, with an emphasis on genotyping.
标签:SNP discovery
235. Reconciliator
The tool for merging assemblies
236. GimmeMotifs
GimmeMotifs is a de novo motif prediction pipeline, especially suited for ChIP-seq datasets. It incorporates several existing motif prediction algorithms in an ensemble method to predict motifs and clusters these motifs using the WIC similarity scoring metric.
标签:Transcription regulation,ChIP-Seq, Epigenomics
237. ShortFuse
Method for using paired-end reads to find fusion transcripts without requiring unique mappings or additional single read sequencing
标签:Fusion transcripts
238. CPTRA
Integrated transcriptome analysis from Sanger, 454, Solexa, SOLiD, etc reads Integrated transcriptome analysis from Sanger, 454, Solexa, SOLiD, etc reads
标签:RNA-Seq Alignment, RNA-Seq Quantitation
239. ASC
Empirical Bayes method to detect differential expression.
标签:RNA-Seq Quantitation
240. CNAseg
We present a novel approach, called CNAseg, to identify CNAs from second-generation sequencing data. It uses depth of coverage to estimate copy number states and flowcell-to-flowcell variability in cancer and normal samples to control the false positive rate. We present a novel approac...
标签:Structural variation