21. BBSeq
Tool for analyzing RNA-Seq data to analyze gene expression
标签:RNA-Seq Quantitation
22. FDM
Detects differential transcription in RNA-Seq data
标签:RNA-Seq Quantitation
23. SpliceTrap
SpliceTrap is a statistic tool for quantifying exon inclusion ratios in paired-end RNA-seq data. Instead of full transcript quantification, SpliceTrap approaches to exon inclusion level estimation as a Bayesian inference problem. For every exon it quantifies the extent to which it is in...
标签:Alternative Splicing, RNA-Seq Quantitation, RNA-Seq
24. Bort
Bort parses Blast output and quantifies hits by contig and read counts.
标签:RNA-Seq Quantitation
Probabilistic tag count error correction for next generation sequencing data (Solexa/Illumina).
标签:RNA-Seq Quantitation
26. Partek Genomics Suite
Easy to use software providing A to Z analysis for all Next Generation Sequencing and Microarray data.
标签:Allele-specific transcription,RNA-Seq Quantitation,Epigenomics, Functional Genomics, ChIP-Seq,Alternative Splicing, SNP discovery, Small RNA transcriptome
27. CummeRbund
Allows for persistent storage, access, exploration, and manipulation of Cufflinks high-throughput sequencing data. In addition, provides numerous plotting functions for commonly used visualizations.
标签:RNA-Seq Quantitation
28. Goseq
An R package to detect Gene Ontology (GO) categories and other categories of genes (such as KEGG pathways) that are over/under represented in an RNA-seq data.
标签:RNA-Seq Quantitation
29. IQSeq
Integrated Isoform Quantification Analysis based on A Partial Sampling Framework
标签:RNA-Seq Quantitation,Alternative Splicing
30. mapsembler
Mapsembler is a targeted assembly software. It takes as input a set of NGS raw reads and a set of input sequences (starters). It first determines if each starter is read-coherent, e.g. whether reads confirm the presence of each starter in the original sequence. Then for each read-cohere...
标签:Metagenomics, Transcriptomics,DNA-Seq, RNA-Seq Quantitation,Targeted assembly