

更新日期:10年前 浏览次数:1546

Mapsembler is a targeted assembly software. It takes as input a set of NGS raw reads and a set of input sequences (starters). It first determines if each starter is read-coherent, e.g. whether reads confirm the presence of each starter in the original sequence. Then for each read-coherent starter, Mapsembler outputs its sequence neighborhood as a linear sequence or as a graph, depending on the user choice.

checks for each fragments contained into the fragments.fasta file if 1) it is read coherent (each position is covered by at least one read) 2) if it is read coherent: micro de novo assemble as long as possible on its left and right, using coherent reads

checks for each fragments contained into the fragments.fasta file if 1) it is read coherent (each position is covered by at least one read) 2) if it is read coherent: micro de novo assemble as long as possible on its left and right, using coherent reads