141. Forge
De novo assembly using a combination of next-generation and Sanger reads
标签:Genomics, De-novo assembly
142. Fuzzypath
143. Geneious
Search, organize and analyze genomic and protein information of any size via desktop program that provides publication ready images to enhance the impact of your research.
标签:Phylogenetics, Sequence analysis, De-novo assembly,Genomics, Population genetics,Metagenomics, Structural variation, RNA-Seq,Epigenomics
144. Genome Trax
Genome Trax™ enables you to identify human genome variations of functional significance by mapping your NGS data to known elements such as disease mutations and regulatory sites.
标签:Structural variation,Regulatory genomics
145. GenomeJack
GenomeJack is a genome browser specialized in next-generation sequencing data. Advantages are intuitive interface and smooth drag'n drop response.
标签:Genomics, Personal genomics
146. GenomeTools
The GenomeTools genome analysis system is a free collection of bioinformatics tools for genome informatics.1.3.6
147. GenVision
GenVision is a genomic visualization software package that is fully integrated with Lasergene and is designed to support easy generation of publication quality graphics and maps.
148. GigaBayes
A short-read SNP and short-INDEL discovery program.
标签:Genomics, SNP discovery
149. Golden Helix
Golden Helix is a bioinformatic software provider and analytic service provider. The core of its business is about empowering scientists to discover more, discover it easier, and to come away with valid and reproducible bioinformatics results. The software, SNP & Variation Suite, is a s...
标签:Epigenomics, Genomics, DNA-Seq, SNP discovery, Whole Genome Resequencing Analysis,Copy number estimation,Quality Control
150. HeliSphere
Open-source LINUX software package intended for use in analyzing data produced by the HeliScope Single Molecule Sequencer.
标签:Genomics, Whole Genome Resequencing, RNA-Seq, SNP discovery
151. HINT
HMM-based Identification of TF Footprints
标签:Regulatory genomics,Regulatory genomics epigenomics, Transcription Factor Binding Site identification
152. Illuminate
Analytics toolkit in Python for Illumina HiSeq and MiSeq metrics
153. Integrated Genome Browser
Visualization software for next-generation genomics
154. IOmics
iOmics is a cloud based workflow analysis framework for managing, analyzing and visualizing NGS data.
标签:Genomics, Transcriptomics,Epigenomics, RNA-Seq, Exome and Whole genome variant detection
155. KBASE
"KBase provides a computational framework and tools for integrating and analyzing large, diverse datasets generated by the scientific community to advance predictive understanding, manipulation, and design of biological processes in an environmental context. The purpose of KBase is to e...
标签:Comparative genomics
156. Lab7
Data workflow management platform to streamline NGS analyses
157. mapsembler
Mapsembler is a targeted assembly software. It takes as input a set of NGS raw reads and a set of input sequences (starters). It first determines if each starter is read-coherent, e.g. whether reads confirm the presence of each starter in the original sequence. Then for each read-cohere...
标签:Metagenomics, Transcriptomics,DNA-Seq, RNA-Seq Quantitation,Targeted assembly
Hybrid reference and de novo assembly pipeline
159. MochiView
Hybrid genome browser and motif visualization/analysis/management desktop software.
标签:Genomics, ChIP-Seq, ChIP-on-chip, RNA-Seq, Motif analysis
160. MrCaNaVaR
mrCaNaVaR is a copy number caller that analyzes the next-generation sequence mapping read depth to discover large segmental duplications and deletions. It also has the capability of predicting absolute copy numbers of genomic intervals.
标签:Genomics, Personal genomics,Copy number estimation