

更新日期:10年前 浏览次数:1599

PRINSEQ is a sequence processing tool that can be used to filter, reformat and trim genomic and metagenomic sequence data. It generates summary statistics of the input in graphical and tabular formats that can be used for quality control steps. PRINSEQ is available as both standalone and web-based versions.

You can use the PRINSEQ (PReprocessing and INformation of SEQuences) tool to: Generate statistics of your sequence data for sequence length, GC content, quality scores, n-plicates, complexity, tag sequences, poly-A/T tails, odds ratios, …; Filter your data to remove sequence copies, short or long sequences, low quality or complexity sequences, sequences with Ns, ...; Reformat your data to convert between FASTQ and FASTA+QUAL format or DNA and RNA, rename sequence IDs, change the width of sequence lines, ... Trim sequences to a certain length, trim poly-A/T tails, trim low quality ends, trim bases from the ends, ...