21. TAPyR
Efficient BWT-based read aligner supporting multiple sequencing platforms
标签:Whole Genome Resequencing
22. GenoREAD
GenoREAD is a web-based, sequence verification software that can be used to compare Sanger sequencing trace files against a reference sequence. Users can either submit their sequencing results one clone at a time, or they can submit a series of clones (as a project) to run at once. Resu...
标签:Sequencing, Clone verification
23. FeatureCounts
featureCounts is a very efficient read quantifier. It can be used to summarize RNA-seq reads and gDNA-seq reads to a variety of genomic features such as genes, exons, promoters, gene bodies and genomic bins. It is included in the Bioconductor Rsubread package and also in the SourceForge...
标签:Next Generation Sequencing
24. Methpipe
The MethPipe software package is a computational pipeline for analyzing bisulfite sequencing data (BS-seq, WGBS and RRBS). MethPipe provides tools for mapping bisulfite sequencing read and estimating methylation levels at individual cytosine sites. Additionally, MethPipe includes tools ...
标签:Epigenomics, DNA methylation,Bisulfite Sequencing
25. RUbioSeq
RUbioSeq has been developed to facilitate the primary and secondary analysis of resequencing projects by providing an integrated software suite of parallelized pipelines to detect exome variants (SNVs and CNVs) and to perform Bisulfite-seq analyses automatically. RUbioSeq's variant anal...
标签:Exome analysis, Copy number estimation, Bisulfite Sequencing
26. SwDMR
swDMR: a sliding window approach to identify differentially methylated regions based on bisulfite sequencing
标签:Bisulfite Sequencing,Differential methylated regions identification
27. Mlgt
Processing and analysis of high throughput, long-read (e.g. Roche 454) sequences generated from multiple loci and multiple biological samples. Sequences are assigned to their locus and sample of origin, aligned and trimmed. Where possible, genotypes are called and variants mapped to kno...
标签:Genotyping, Targeted resequencing, Resequencing
28. GenomeBrowse
A free genome browser for exploring sequencing pile-up and coverage data with numerous annotation tracks hosted on the cloud.
标签:Sequence analysis, DNA-Seq,Alignment, De novo sequencing,Exome analysis, Exome and whole genome variant detection, Genetics, Whole Genome Resequencing, Next Generation Sequencing,Genomics
29. Contra
Copy number analysis for exome-sequencing / targeted-resequencing. Two methods of analysis available: Case vs Control, or Case vs Baseline. Function available for creating a baseline from multiple samples.
标签:Next Generation Sequencing,Cancer biology, Genomics, Copy number estimation
30. BBMap
BBMap is a fast splice-aware aligner for RNA and DNA. It is faster than almost all short-read aligners, yet retains unrivaled sensitivity and specificity, particularly for reads with many errors and indels.
标签:Resequencing, Alignment,Quality Control, RNA-Seq Alignment, Alternative Splicing, Whole Genome Resequencing, SNP discovery,Phylogenetics, Metagenomics,Read Binning
31. PeakTrace
PeakTrace is an alternative basecaller for improving the quality and read length of Sanger DNA sequencing traces. The PeakTrace basecaller works with trace files produced by the ABI 310, 3700, 3100, 3130, 3730, and 3500 DNA sequencers. MegBACE sequencers are also supported.
32. Skewer
Skewer implements a novel dynamic programming algorithm dedicated to the task of adapter trimming and it is specially designed for processing illumina paired-end sequences.
标签:Small RNA Sequencing, RNA-Seq,Whole Genome Resequencing, De novo Sequencing
33. 4peaks
Allows viewing sequencing trace files, motif searching trimming, BLAST and exporting sequences.
34. Rsubread
Rsubread is Bioconductor R package, which provides facilities to performing read alignments using the Subread aligner. It also includes other functionalities such as featureCounts read summarization function.
标签:Next-generation sequencing
35. Subjunc
The Subread read aligner and Subjunc junction detector employ a novel read mapping paradigm called "seed-and-vote" to achieve a fast mapping speed and a high mapping accuracy. The seed-and-vote paradigm is particularly powerful in detecting indels. Subjunc can be used to discover exon-e...
标签:Alternative Splicing, Next-generation sequencing, RNA-Seq Alignment
36. Ingenuity Variant Analysis
Ingenuity Variant Analysis is a web application that helps researchers studying human disease to identify causal variants from human resequencing data in just minutes. Ingenuity Variant Analysis combines analytical tools and integrated content to help you rapidly identify and prioritize...
标签:Genomics, Exome, Whole Genome Resequencing, SNPs
37. Bison
Bison allows users with access to a computer cluster to rapidly align whole-genome bisulfite sequencing or RRBS reads. It can align both directional and non-directional libraries and uses bowtie2.
标签:Epigenomics, Bisulfite Sequencing, DNA methylation
38. BSSim
BSSim: Bisulfite sequencing simulator for next-generation sequencing.
标签:DNA methylation, Bisulfite Sequencing
39. Gowinda
Gowinda: unbiased analysis of gene set enrichment for Genome Wide Association Studies
标签:Genomics, Genome Wide Association Studies,Population genetics,Population Genomics, High-throughput sequencing
40. Reaper
Reaper is a program for demultiplexing, trimming and filtering short read sequencing data.
标签:Next Generation Sequencing