Host lysozyme-mediated lysis of Lactococcus lactis facilitates delivery of colitis-attenuating superoxide dismutase to inflamed colons [Microbiology]
S. A. Ballal, P. Veiga, K. Fenn, M. Michaud, J. H. Kim, C. A. Gallini, J. N. Glickman, G. Quere, P. Garault, C. Beal, M. Derrien, P. Courtin, S. Kulakauskas, M.–P. Chapot–Chartier, J. van Hylckama Vlieg, W. S. Garrett.

Beneficial microbes that target molecules and pathways, such as oxidative stress, which can negatively affect both host and microbiota, may hold promise as an inflammatory bowel disease therapy. Prior work showed that a five-strain fermented milk product (FMP) improved colitis in T-bet−/− Rag2−/− mice. By varying the number of strains...