Nucleic Acids Research

The EMBL-EBI bioinformatics web and programmatic tools framework

Li, W., Cowley, A., Uludag, M., Gur, T., McWilliam, H., Squizzato, S., Park, Y. M., Buso, N., Lopez, R..

Since 2009 the EMBL-EBI Job Dispatcher framework has provided free access to a range of mainstream sequence analysis applications. These include sequence similarity search services ( such as BLAST, FASTA and PSI-Search, multiple sequence alignment tools ( such as Clustal Omega, MAFFT and T-Coffee, and other sequence analysis tools ( such as InterProScan. Through these services users can search mainstream sequence databases such as ENA, UniProt and Ensembl Genomes, utilising a uniform web interface or systematically through Web Services interfaces ( using common programming languages, and obtain enriched results with novel visualisations. Integration with EBI Search ( and the dbfetch retrieval service ( further expands the usefulness of the framework. New tools and updates such as NCBI BLAST+, InterProScan 5 and PfamScan, new categories such as RNA analysis tools (, new databases such as ENA non-coding, WormBase ParaSite, Pfam and Rfam, and new workflow methods, together with the retirement of depreciated services, ensure that the framework remains relevant to today's biological community.